Tuesday, February 10, 2015

blank space // best of both worlds // I'm going to double major probably

It's hard when no one plays you back on rapchat.
It's hard when people ask you what you do all day
and you don't even know.
time is slipping into everyone's broken AC vents
I sit here and watch TV and waste away everyday because it's to cold to do anything else.
I mostly do what everyone else is doing
I'm a sheep.
All I ever do anymore is take those personality buzz feed quizzes that tell you nothing/everything about yourself.
Were all just trying to figure ourselves out.
My professor said something the other day in my Humanities class,
to define yourself is to limit yourself.
So I'm not a sheep.
But I am sometimes, most times, a lot of times.
But I am other stuff too.
I'm a soccer player and a sister and a virgo.
I'm a writer (?) and a rapper and a big cry baby,
I am strong even if I don't feel it and I am weak whenever I start to think I'm not.
I can't believe I'm talking about myself in another blog post
But its so important.
Your young adult life is when you are supposed to figure yourself out and choose your major and choose your life
But if you choose the you can't choose something else.
To define yourself is to limit yourself
You identify as an introvert so now you feel like you can't go up and talk to that cool person you want to be friends with because you are shy and awkward and that's not what introverts do.
My question is who's making these rules?
Who's stopping you?
You aren't unable
You don't have to wait until someone comes up to you first,
nothing is physically stopping you.
You can do anything you want to do and not do anything you don't want to do. So don't make excuses. Don't say you are unable. It all just depends on how much you want something.
Do you want to make friends or do you want to be comfortable?
You don't realize it but you are putting restrictions on your actions.
One second you are everything and anything and this vast person but once you start putting those labels on name tag you start chipping off other parts of yourself.
You're funny so you can't be serious, you're optimistic so you can't be sad
you're going to business school so you can't like art.
you aren't two dimensional.
you're a person with layers and depth and complexities and you can be both sides of everything. You don't know why you do the things you do half the time you just do them. You don't need to explain yourself to anyone, even yourself.


  1. So, I'm really sorry that I post on your blog a lot, you're probably like "Who is this girl still commenting on blogs/my blog?" but I just like your stuff. And I swear I'm not stalking you, I just so happened to be on blogger when you posted this so I got to read it really soon. but....

    "All I ever do anymore is take those personality buzz feed quizzes that tell you nothing/everything about yourself.
    Were all just trying to figure ourselves out."

    scary, because me too.

    1. ok wow NEVER apologize for commenting on my blog ever again okay I love it. THANK YOU

  2. Who's stopping you?

    I don't know my friend but they need to leave.

    I loved this soo great post!!

  3. Amen to all the bits and pieces of this.

  4. Just came accross your blog. Ya holy goodness (if that's even a saying). Your words are good

  5. This sums up the whole left brain right brain thing once and for all.

  6. I never thought about defining myself as limiting myself. I think this is something I was missing, and I think I'll be re-reading what you wrote here a lot, and I should probably just bookmark this post now so that next time I'm missing your advice I'll have it right back. Thank thank thank you.


mountain mama

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