Sunday, December 1, 2013

bleh, whatever

feeling bland is never fun horrible. Nothing is really going on in my life that is sad or happy and all the recent movies I have seen have been sub-par and I haven't had time to read anything meaningful and I am kind of just like whatever. My emotion is whatever. HOW DO YOU WRITE ABOUT WHATEVER. My feelings to this post are whatever. My feelings towards this class are more than whatever and it might be the only class I get an A in because I feel so whatever about all my other classes. Maybe whatever is a synonym for senioritis. Feeling whatever isn't really healthy because you need to care about things and stay motivated and yadda yadda yadda so you can keep improving and becoming a better person. But at the same time who are you becoming a better person for and who decides what makes a person better and why do you care what that person thinks and this is why I am feeling like whatever. I get too many questions in my head and I have too much homework and I get so stressed that I am just like whatever if I stop caring then I will stop being so stressed out about all this stuff. And then the next thing you know you have 6 NCs and two college applications to fill out and a term worth of homework for every class because you were to lazy to do it in the first place so you just look at it and take a good long look at your future and you're just like whatever.

sasha fierce~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


mountain mama

for a time in my life where I should have been listening to the happy john denver songs with my friends but ended up listening to the sad j...