Friday, February 28, 2014


Other Titles Include: Sorry x Infinity, BRB, Still figuring it out, DOES ANYONE FIGURE IT OUT?? 
Am I the only one who feels so much? kcoolbye, and lastly
I Hate You BUT I Hate Myself More Sooooooooooooooooooooo

middle finger middle finger middle finger middle finger middle finger middle finger
because I am an idiot but so is everyone else.
I'm messy blogging and being vague right now and I am sorry because I have some self control to stop myself  from blogging about certain people and naming names but not enough control to not talk about it on the internet so that's great. I am just so angry all the time and I don't know what to do about it
I kick holes in the wall and tell everyone to shut up and I spit in my brother drink the other day and I don't want to be this person anymore.
I don't want to be this person anymore.
Some people say that is enough "recognizing you have a problem is the first step to fixing it" well what is the second and third and fourth and last because apparently I'm the only one who can't seem to figure my life out. I don't want to be so angry and offended and annoyed and take everything so personally and 
feeling everything all the time has gotten to be so painful and living can be so painful
I need to be numb for a little while
So if I shut you out it's nothing personal and I am sorry 
it's nothing personal 
I am just insane
but I don't want to be anymore.


  1. Your messy blogging is beautiful blogging.

  2. OH but your MIND though. I absolutely love you. I'm so sorry about, everything-whatever everything is.
    And I hope you take this the way I'm trying to say it,
    I love that you're not numb. There's too much of that. And it's not a good thing. You're real, you're beautiful, you're one of the coolest (in the actually cool kind of way) people I know. I think this might be a long comment. I mean I just like your blog ok?

  3. (both of you) I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you

  4. Whenever I read your writing you it's like taking all the loopholes of life and society and making sense of it. It's amazing.


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