Sunday, October 13, 2013

To Sasha:

do something  
Do something good. Anyone can do something. Other people's bones are going to tell you to do something, to make an impact on the earth so you can live on in memory. But Adolf Hitler made an impact, so did Martin Luther King Jr. and so did Steve Jobs, but so Osama Bin Laden. The way I see it you can either change the world or you can help it. Changing the world can sometimes be positive, but helping it will never be negative. You don't need to cure cancer or liberate people or invent the next pocket computer. You don't need to live on in the memories of others. You need to live. You need to dedicate yourself something. You need to feel everything and learn from it and you need to have passion and you need to be kind. There are plenty of people who need help, and there are plenty of ways to do it. You don't need to build someone a house or solve all their financial problems you just need to help them feel better. People have bad days and bad weeks and bad months and bad lives and you know that, you've been there. You were in that dark place yourself and you know what it's like. So don't let other people stay in that place alone. 
Help them. Give them support and some to cry on. Pick them up off the ground and dust them off and go for a walk. Help them forget, have a nice conversation make them laugh with your embarrassing stories and help take their mind off things for awhile. But be there with them when they do finally remember why they are sad. Cry with them. Cry for them. Take on other peoples sorrows and share the heavy things with them. Tell them you believe in the natural balance of things and while there may be no goddess floating around making people pay for their sins and wrongdoings you do believe people will get what they deserve in the end. So yeah there is a heaven because to many good people die and you have to believe there is something more for them when they are gone, that they didn't deserve to die unless they have something good going for them afterwards. Tell them eventually everything will be better and when they ask you why you aren't sad. Tell them the truth. Tell them you get sad too, but not the same kind of sad as other people, tell them you cry when you see other people cry and that there are too many sad people in the world and too many beautiful things and tell them you are sick of writing things that make people cry and tell them you try not to cry because there is too much of that too and there are too many days wasted being sad and you don't want to cry because there are enough reasons for other people to cry and you don't want to be added to the list of tears you want to be added to the list of smiles and the list of laughs and the list of people who give the best hugs. Tell them that first dates can turn into weddings and that some of the wisest words are written on bathroom stalls
 and tell them you want to do something good and they will tell you that you are.

~sasha's bones~

1 comment:

  1. "...there is a heaven because to many good people die and you have to believe there is something more for them when they are gone, that they didn't deserve to die unless they have something good going for them afterwards."

    Actually, this whole post... #stolen.

    Thanks for listening to your bones, because your bones just taught my bones a lesson.


mountain mama

for a time in my life where I should have been listening to the happy john denver songs with my friends but ended up listening to the sad j...