Thursday, January 9, 2014


At the beginning of this year I wrote in my journal that I took this class to help me not feel so alone. To be honest I took this class because I wanted to know what people thought of my writing and if I was any good at it (yes I need validation from a bunch of strangers, yes it's lame) and now the semester is almost over and it's time I owned up to some things

#confessiontweet I went almost an entire year without getting a haircut because I was afraid my haircut lady was going to think I was a freak/hate me/force me to have actual conversations with her
#confessiontweet I cry in sports movies
#confessiontweet I cry in all movies
#confessiontweet I would have chosen Raoul
#confessiontweet I would have done it with the phantom on the side though..
#confessiontweet the boy in that picture may or may not be naked i'm not sure
#confessiontweet that boy in the picture is actually me trying to write this post because I have been real with you this whole time, I'm just running out of things to be real about, my brain is a freaking grape and now its a shriveled raisin that is hard and has had all the good parts sucked out of it
#confessiontweet I am not very good at metaphors
#confessiontweet I'm not done here
#confessiontweet I think there is a disorder where you eventually start to hate everyone? and I think I have it?? Which sucks because people are cool and great then you start to develop expectations for them and then they end up being not at cool and as great as you thought they were.
#confessiontweet March will always be the worst month
#confessiontweet you are a lame for making everyone wait until tomorrow to figure out who you are
#confessiontweet I am not Beyoncé
#confessiontweet I may or may not have slightly hit a car in a parking lot yesterday and kept driving
#confessiontweet sometimes I am too honest..

This is probably too much but I am going to get real real with you right now. I woke up in the middle of the night last week and thought of something that would be good to write a blog post about so I wrote it down then when I woke up I looked in my journal and I had written " If you want to live in peace choose Raoul, If you want to die in peace choose the Phantom" Call it divine inspiration, call it sleep deprivation, call it whatever you want but the choice is yours. The way I see it you can either die with regret or live with it

and this is probably too much information too but
its been real

hannah madsen


  1. Dang I love this post dang I love your blog
    #confessiontweet I just really love you.
    And it's been, so real.

  2. 10 things I hate about you.

    Yes, it would've been perfect.

  3. I did that once and woke up to the phrase "my calluses grew tire from exposure."

    Reall weird I know and I still have no freaking idea what it's suppose to mean?

    Anyways I love you Hannah.

  4. #confessiontweet Your blog was one of the first I fell in love with, that got me hooked on the class.

    Not sure if that works since I don't have a twitter.

    But for reals your writing is so wonderfully honest and brilliant that it makes me satisfied yet leaves me wanting more.

  5. "my brain is a freaking grape"
    I love the way you write, you know. Seriously, it's so different and I love it that way.
    Also, I love that you suck at metaphors. It makes me laugh and gives you that much more personality that's hard to do without telling who you are and your entire story.
    I envy you.


mountain mama

for a time in my life where I should have been listening to the happy john denver songs with my friends but ended up listening to the sad j...