Tuesday, September 3, 2013

streaking is living.

I think as a writer I (we??) struggle with what bits to take out of a piece and what parts to leave in, you have to decide how much of yourself you want to share and what you want to hide. Being human happens to be something I have become somewhat a professional at, and its hard to decide what I could tell you.

I could tell you that by age 17 I've lived almost every life there is to live. I've been the new girl, the popular girl, the shy girl, the rebellious girl, and the weird girl. I've been the girl who cries herself to sleep at night, and the one who never had to worry about who to sit by at lunch, the one who got a C in keyboarding and then got a 4.0 for the rest of the year. I've been the indie girl, the sporty girl, the I-am-going-to-wear-sweatpants-everyday-for-the-rest-of-my-life girl, the preppy girl. Heck, at one point I was even the girl who was good at math. I could tell you that being the weird girl is the best life to live. To be the one who is too busy being herself to realize other people might not like her. Having to much fun to realize "oh, this is not what normal people do". I could tell you all to be weird, to experience life differently than others, to worry less about what other people think of you and to worry more about whether or not you are having enough fun.

I could tell you the most cliche and contradictory thing about life. That it is, in fact too short. It may be the longest thing we do, but there is never going to be enough time to experience all the happy things in life. There isn't enough time to meet all the people, taste all the food, pet all the dogs, smell all the smells or read all the books. This also means life is too short to care about most things. Life is too short to have your room clean all the time, too short to obey the dumb rules, too short to wait around for your dad to buy you an IPhone, too short to exercise or watch your weight, too short to care about what other people think of you, but mostly LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE SHY. We are just sitting around worrying about what other people might think of us, or what we think of ourselves that it is stopping us from experiencing things. It's okay to be shy occasionally but don't let it rule your life. I've found that people think of you less than you give them credit for, they are too worried about themselves to be worried about you too.

I could tell you that the best way fight the shyness and quite frankly the best way to live is to get out of your comfort zone. It helps you meet so many new people and learn and experience new things and in a completely ironic and incredible way it makes you feel more comfortable with yourself. After putting yourself out there you feel more accomplished and sure of yourself. I've spent the better part of this year finding new ways to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. And the best thing that I would recommend to everyone of you is to go streaking. Yup.
Or maybe if you don't want to talk about that we could just talk about being naked, although its sounds cooler to say I went streaking across the park rather than I was naked in my room yesterday. But there is something about being naked, whether it's emotionally or physically that makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Maybe it's the fact that you are completely exposed for the world to see and the weight of yourself is lifted off your shoulders. Maybe it just makes you feel cool because technically you broke the law. Or maybe its just not having to worry about anyone finding out about your weird birthmark or that you like so-and-so because you're naked now, and it's all out there for the world to see.

You are completely and unapologetically yourself and I could tell you there is no more beautiful way to be human.

"spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people.." -The Breakfast Club
 ~sasha fierce~


  1. I like this a lot and plus your pen name is Sasha Fierce so A+

  2. ill pen name. plus the entire time i i felt like i was reading something that actually mattered so yes.

  3. I liked you sharing your wisdom with us. I like being the weird girl best too.
    Also, talking about being naked... Preach baby preach.

  4. thank ALL OF YOU. Your comments make me want to figure out who you are and give all of you a big hug!! I am just grateful you even read the whole thing :)

  5. We should watch The Breakfast Club in class.

    Oh, wait. It's rated R.


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